Case Study
Streamlining Client Service
Client Profile
Disaster Services and Relief Non ProfitChallenge
The disaster services nonprofit was experiencing issues with their Siebel platform, which the organization was using to capture client data. The initial implementation of Siebel had been implemented too quickly and without input from key stakeholders, thus the tool had issues with missing, incorrect, and incomplete data. This inadequate data was not allowing users to effectively analyze and report against the successes that the local chapter had been seeing for so long. Further, key executives were unable to use the system to report accurate financials to the national organization.
Approach: Think + Do
We recognized the effort would involve more than just a Siebel redesign to address the various data challenges, so we conducted interviews with each department to understand how data was being collected, aggregated, managed, and reported. We met with personnel from varying levels of the organization, including key executives, to gain a true understanding of the system and process gaps.
Acquis was successful in both helping the client adjust its processes to better serve its employees, as well as to help redesign their selected tool to serve the needs of executives and employees alike. We identified specific changes to the Siebel user interface. We restructured responsibilities and functions to eliminate redundant work effort between business units. We facilitated a positive change in employee perception of senior management’s dedication to operational excellence.